Life-Oriented Design
This week's reading takes on the topic of "Biotechnology, Biomimicry, and Biophilic Design". My favorite sentence from the reading way "Bio-inspiration is the use of life and nature as a source of inspiration, especially in problem solving" (Montana & Fiorentino, 2016). I liked this sentence as it relates to how we return back to nature for solutions that us humans cannot solve on our own. This topic really caught my attention and interest as it makes us look at nature in a different way and makes us realize how the perfection in nature can teach us to develop and advance.
In this week's lecture we got introduced to "life-oriented design" which quickly became my favorite topic in the course so far. In the lecture we saw different ways and improvements that biomimicry has brought us and showed us how a simple idea can change a lot. Moreover, there are different levels of biomimicry which change how strong the mimicry is (shallow and deep mimicry). I find the idea that designers can take inspiration from nature to find better solution very innovative and interesting. We turn back to nature to find solutions to our problems to design a better future for the upcoming generations. This concept makes people think of how important it is to be more sustainable for the betterment of humanity.
Anon, 1970. Solar Panel Wings and cups made of banana leaves: Two girls aged 8 and 15 win EasyJet's 'aircraft of the Future' design competition (with the worm-powered plane concept missing out). Frank Stephenson. Available at: https://www.frankstephenson.com/design-inspired-by-nature.
Anon, Close up on a yellow sunflower photo by erika8213 on Envato Elements. Envato Elements. Available at: https://elements.envato.com/close-up-on-a-yellow-sunflower-ZW6ZERR.
TavÅŸan, F. & Sönmez, E., 1970. [PDF] Biomimicry in furniture design: Semantic scholar. undefined. Available at: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Biomimicry-in-Furniture-Design-Tav%C5%9Fan-S%C3%B6nmez/99fb071aadfc9e8497ebea469f687ee132aed339.